Classic Bowling

Classic Bowling is a super fun sports game in which you have to learn how to shoot bowling balls and shout "Strike!" Play it online without downloading! If you don't have a company to go bowling today, you can launch this game and feel the excitement and spirit of sportsmanship! Today, BOWLING is about four hundred years old already, but the game still does not lose its relevance and remains loved by hundreds of millions people across the globe! Bowling became particularly popular after the mechanism for cleaning the knocked down pins and positioning the new ones was invented. Interestingly, until the 20th century, girls were forbidden to take part in bowling matches! "Classic Bowling" is a high-quality real-life bowling simulator. The game consists of 10 frames. In each of them you have to knock down 10 pins. If you knocked down all the pins with a double throw you get a Strike. If there are several pins left on the field, you are given an additional "spare" roll. If you haven't hit a single pin, then a new frame begins.


Controls in Classic Bowling are very simple. There are two main parameters: Power is the power of your throw and Effect adjusts the direction! When the Power indicator is at the apex press space bar to fix the strength of the throw. You then proceed to setting the effect. When you get the effect in the direction you desire, hit the spacebar again! Instead of the space bar, you can use the left mouse key or taps if you are playing on a smartphone! Use the left and right arrows or swipes to move across the field.